Jensen Atwood- More Than An Actor!

Welcome back family!

Thanks for supporting us we can’t do without you and we’d love to hear from you! Hit us up and let us know how we’re doing!

OK, so this week is special.  Many moons ago we were introduced to the show Noah’s Arc and became instant fans.  The show only last a few years and a movie but it’s impact far out reached the television screen.  One of the most important characters on the show, Wade, was portrayed by the multi-talented Jensen Atwood.  We can’t tell you how excited we were to talk to him and find out more about his journey and what he’s up to now.  This one is a good one so take a listen and then when you’re done make sure you take a listen to his single “Unthinkable”

You’re going to like this one family and we can’t wait to hear what you think.  Let’s Go!

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